This tutorial demonstrates how to automate the switching roles from your web browser using the AWS extension plugin.


  1. Open your web browser store and search for the “AWS Extend Switch Roles” plugin. Notice, this tutorial is based on Google Chrome and Chrome Web Store.

Install the extension:

  1. Install the extension and a key icon will appear on the right side of your toolbar. Click on the icon and select the option “Configuration”.


  1. In the “Configuration” block insert your account details based on the template:



aws_account_id = <account_id>

role_name = <role>

color = <color_hex>

In the image below you find how this template is adapted to a hypothetical customer called “Bubbletea”.



A template with the list of accounts and roles of your organisation will be shared by DNX via separate communication.


  1. Feel free to change the colors and click on “Save” to conclude the process.


  1. After logging in AWS via your Identity Provider (Gsuite or Azure AD) you will be able to change roles directly through the AWS console. 


  1. Open your AWS user / account menu on the right side of the header toolbar and select one of the accounts configured previously via Chrome extension.



  1. After selecting one of the roles you will see the account which the assumeRole was performed via the user / account menu.