Branch Pattern:
- Master
- Develop
- feature/trello_card_id
- bugfix/trello_card_id
- hotfix/trello_card_id
Eg.: bugfix/PJE92z9l
- For each card in trello, you must have a branch (feature, bugfix or hotfix) following the pattern described above;
- The only branch able to deploy to nonprod environment is the Develop Branch;
- The only branch able to deploy to uat and prod environments is the Master Branch;
- Before opening a merge request, you need to merge your feature or bugfix branch with the Develop branch and test. Fix all conflicts and after that, you will be able to open a merge request to the Master Branch;
- The commits directly on Master Branch are blocked;
- All merge requests to Master Branch must come from the Develop Branch;
- All commits in Develop Branch will dispatch the pipeline to nonprod environment;
- After a merge request to Master Branch have been approved, the pipeline will be available to uat and prod environments and needs to be manually dispatched;
- We will dispatch the pipeline just for uat environment, and move the card on trello to “To Test Team”;
- After being approved by the test team, we will dispatch the Pipeline to the prod environment.
- At the end of each sprint, we will merge the selected features with the Develop Branch and this will always be done on Mondays.
Daisy Monte Machado